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Our Predictions for Positive Sustainable Change in 2023

Over the past twenty years, the world has become increasingly aware of the climate threat facing our society in the near future. As we’ve gained a deeper understanding of the problems caused by non-renewable energy, fossil fuels and overconsumption, industries around the world have been encouraged to make positive changes towards a more sustainable future.

From introducing green initiatives and incentives in the workplace to supplying alternative energy supplies to large-scale industries, the modern world is slowly but steadily becoming more and more climate-conscious. But what does that mean for 2023? What are our predictions for the future of positive sustainable change over the next 9 months of the year?

1. Tech giants continue to move to more sustainable alternatives to energy

In 2021, tech giants such as Amazon, Tesla, Facebook and Google all began to make strides towards a more sustainable output for their businesses. From developing international solar farms and promoting eco-friendly transport routes to providing carbon-free, alternative travel and embarking on water-positive campaigns, the biggest names in tech formed a sustainable path for smaller businesses to follow.

In 2023, we predict further climate awareness, education and initiatives from the tech giants - with more reforestation projects, green hosting, recycling drives and carbon-neutral processes in progress. With a recognised responsibility to ‘lead the charge’ when it comes to ethical and sustainable technology, these global institutes are set to recognise not just the environmental impact of going green but also the social and economic benefits too. As more consumers seek out eco-friendly alternatives for their everyday lives, a tech giant with a carbon-neutrality policy is going to be a much more popular choice. This, more than anything, will encourage further demonstrative changes from these titans of tech. Our core predictions:

  • Amazon will begin introducing cargo bikes, delivery robots and electric delivery vehicles nationwide.

  • Facebook will continue to expand their Climate Science Centres worldwide, offering valuable climate information and research to their consumers.

  • IT and Data Centres will become a priority for sustainable change, with more and more consumers becoming educated on the ‘behind the scenes’ processes of the products they consume.

  • Tech businesses will focus heavily on the domestic market, utilising the idea of a well-informed consumer to promote sustainability-driven products and services.

  • Popular tech products, such as phones, smart home devices and e-vehicles will be released and promoted with built-in sustainability features as their core USP.

2. Domestic changes in the household

Change is said to start at home and we predict that, in 2023, this is likely to be true. Consumers and shoppers are becoming increasingly more educated about the impact of unsustainable living and are consistently seeking better alternatives. Micro, familiar and neighbourhood influencers are demonstrating the importance of eco-friendly consumption and the domestic buyer is likely to listen. Increased demand for sustainable materials, services and products is likely to overwhelm the market, with zero-waste stores, eco-friendly delivery services and clean, ethical suppliers taking precedence over the ‘quick and easy’ shopping of the past. For homeowners and buyers too, properties with sustainable features such as solar panels, LED lighting, efficient insulation and low-flow toilets are going to become a popular choice.

Our core predictions:

  • Vegan, vegetarian and flexitarian demand will increase and become a fundamental segment of almost all retail and hospitality spaces.

  • The average household will increase the number of eco-friendly products they use and consume throughout the year, with more research and care being taken before making a final purchase.

  • Efficient and effective recycling drives will increase, with neighbourhood-wide initiatives and incentives forming to encourage sustainable waste management.

  • Increased self-education on the life cycle of a product, from the source to the distribution to the packaging.

3. Carbon-neutral transport alternatives will become increasingly popular

Within both the domestic and commercial sectors, sustainable transport alternatives are looking to rise in popularity in 2023. In the last year alone, the registration of e-vehicles rose by 40%, with the figure set to increase rapidly over the next 9 months. Consumers are looking for better, more eco-friendly methods of transport and are utilising both public and private sustainable transport options to help them travel.

Over the past few years, e-scooters have also been introduced throughout major UK cities, offering a cheap, easy and carbon-friendly alternative to petrol-powered transport. With the e-scooter industry set to be worth over £60m in 2023, it’s safe to expect new brands and models to be launching rapidly in the next few months.

Finally, the air travel industry is also likely to be impacted by the rise of sustainable change - with decreasing numbers of travellers and holidaymakers planning to travel by plane. With many countries still affected by the impact of the COVID pandemic, the number of international travellers has been steadily falling and is set to drop even further in 2023.

Our core predictions:

  • Despite the rising prices of rail services across the UK, commuters and travellers will still be more likely to travel by train as a sustainable alternative to the road.

  • Mapping products such as Google Maps, Waze and TomTom will increase the encouragement of eco-friendly routes when driving, following popular demand from drivers.

  • Electric bikes and scooters will become a commonplace option for transport and the demand for e-vehicles will increase.

  • Short-haul flights will take precedence over international travel, with more travellers opting for staycations and city breaks in 2023.

4. Fashion retailers will work harder to improve the life cycle of their clothing collections

Over the past few years, the world of fashion and retail has gone through a marked change, with big-name designers and fashion houses working steadily to improve the green and sustainable output of their businesses. Thanks to demand from consumers, influencers, researchers and the media, the fashion industry has made significant progress in the way that designers produce, market, sell and distribute their clothing.

However, we predict that in 2023, further change is yet to come. With the rise of second-hand selling apps such as Depop and Vinted and the rebirth of charity and thrift store shopping, the ‘trendy’ consumer is likely to avoid shopping first-hand at all. Retailers will continue to improve the sustainable processes in the life cycle of their clothing and educate shoppers on every part of the journey, from where the fabric is sourced to the shipping and packaging facilities selected.

Our core predictions:

  • Many of the biggest fashion events of 2023, i.e. New York Fashion Week, the Met Gala, etc… will showcase second-hand and sustainable trends.

  • Smaller, eco-friendly designers will take precedence over fast fashion retailers.

  • Consumers will be willing to spend more to obtain a carbon-neutral, water-positive wardrobe.

  • New incentives and regulations will be introduced to encourage all retailers to reduce their carbon emissions.


Our predictions for 2023 are positive and optimistic, and we believe that the UK is heading in the right direction for sustainable change. But there’s always more we can do.

At Clean Energy Capital, we offer cost-effective, renewable power for businesses and landowners alike, providing a wide range of benefits for you, your customers and your family. Our team is dedicated to delivering high-quality installations and are always happy to chat through your options.

To find out more about our eco-friendly power alternatives today, get in touch.


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